Student Experience

"I’ve really just been thankful for the opportunity that these classes have afforded me and for the hands-on experience that I’ve gained."

Junior / Bioengineering

"I’m really excited to apply the leadership and technical skills that I’ve gained from my experience with Engineer’s Without Borders in my future career in electrical engineering."

Senior / Electrical 工程

“I’d have to say the number one thing that I value most, and the thing that I find most common among my fellow students, that they value the most about the engineering program is the interaction with faculty and staff.”

Junior / Mechanical 工程

"I go to class with 20 to 30 other people. The professor knows me by name. He knows where I’m going in life, and it’s just absolutely valuable to have that kind of relationship with one of your professor’s where you can go to them in their office hour and ask them whatever you need to ask them. And I’ve asked them more than just homework questions, I’ve asked them life questions too. Just, those kinds of relationships are priceless."


"Walla Walla University, 我认为, has this strong attribute of being able to say that we’re very practical and hands-on in pushing people into industry and giving that kind of knowledge and insight."

Grayson Ingersoll
Junior / Mechanical 工程

"我认为 my favorite part about Walla Walla’s engineering program is some of the classes that I’ve been taking, especially my upper division classes recently, have really prepared me to kind of serve even my local community."

Senior / Mechanical 工程

"It was a really enjoyable experience, and made me sure that I wanted to be an engineer and I loved it."

大一新生 / Mechanical 工程

"Through the support of the faculty, I was able to gain the support so that even in times where I didn’t believe in myself, they believed in me so that I could complete what I set out to do. And hopefully persevere though the difficulties that I will experience later in life."

Marissa Rosales
Senior / Civil 工程

"We’ve been able to write product manuals and grant proposals and make posters, even within the context of classes. And that’s been an invaluable part of my learning experience."

Nicholas Iwakoshi
Junior / Bioengineering


American Society of Civil Engineers

ASCE's mission is to provide essential value to our members, 他们的职业生涯, our partners and the public by developing leadership, advancing technology, advocating lifelong learning and promoting the profession.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

To promote and enhance the technical competency and professional well-being of our members, and through quality programs and activities in mechanical engineering, better enable its practitioners to contribute to the well-being of humankind. 

Society for Biological 工程

The Society for Biological 工程 Club promotes the interests of not only bioengineers but anyone who has an interest in science, 医学预科, 医学, biomedical engineering, and biochemistry. The SBE Club is a partnership with an SBE student chapter which provides both biochemists and bioengineers with the ability to be a part of a larger community and to benefit from collaborations with professors and students who are a part of the SBE community.

Engineers Without Borders

Engineers Without Borders-USA (EWB-USA) Projects help developing communities worldwide with their engineering needs, while involving and training internationally responsible engineers and engineering students. Engineers Without Borders at Walla Walla University is a student chapter of EWB-USA.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Want to work in electrical engineering, computer engineering, computer science, or a field related to electronics? Join IEEE and use this site to watch for scholarships, chat with like-minded people, check the club events calendar, 和更多的!



In this annual competition, participants test the design and construction of previously constructed egg-safety devices by tossing an egg within their device off the roof of Kretschmar Hall. Judging criteria includes whether or not the egg is intact after the fall and how close the device lands to a frying pan placed on the ground. 



In this annual event, participants gather together to "hack" toys and make them more accessible to children with special needs. All modified toys are donated to children with special needs.


这家网站 is an annual event planned and hosted by WWU alumni and students which focuses on building programming skills and encourages participants to solve problems and achieve a goal in their own way. Participants are given basic information along with a goal to achieve, they are then set free to achieve that goal to the best of their ability within the time limit. 

Christmas Party

The annual engineering department Christmas party is held in the final weeks of Fall quarter, before we part ways for winter break. Join us for an evening full of food and fun as we close out the year and take a well earned break before final exams.

工程 Vespers

Hosted by the engineering clubs on campus, come join us for an evening of worship and fellowship as we bring in the Sabbath.


The annual spring barbecue is a barbecue hosted by the engineering clubs during dead week of spring quarter. As the final event of the year, please join us for an evening of free food and fun as we take a break before final exams.